alias xop="java -jar xop.jar" usage: xop [] options include: (default given as example, comments follow #) -byname name # null name w/o namespace # option to force matching of some nodes, eg., by id -match match # match|text|auto subtle switch -script off # off|on on always produces xml examples for xoperator-expression: a.xml + b.xml # sum of files - + http://localhost/a.xml # stdin plus network resource a + b + c # three files a = b - c # creates file a, no stdout (a = b - c), a # creates file a, with stdout a - a == 0 # produces true, scripts may test true/false (a + b + b) == (a + b) # produces true ((a = b + c) - (b = a + b)) # etc. # spaces around operators are required. # operators: '+', '-', '==', '!=', '0', '=', ',', '(', ')' # you may have to quote '(...)' in most shells. # xops may be piped together using '-'. sample: xop -script on "new.xml = (a + (b + old.xml))" copyright: (c) 2009 Living Pages Research GmbH, Munich, Germany.